Hope is indispensable in life. Life has its challenges. Some of these sometimes emerge when least expected. Tribulations and life difficulties initiate the machinery for weakening and destruction of hope. 1 Kings 19:1-4 ”And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done,
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Faithfulness is greatly needed in our relationships. Jesus Christ was faithful till the end. He calls us to do same. It is an integral part of His divine nature and one deeply engrained in His personality. He is always faithful because it
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The Bible exalts us to make a joyful noise. Making something involves deliberate concerted effort in order to bring forth what is conceived in the mind. There are different kinds of noise. When we think of noise, it usually connotes something negative
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Everyone one wants to grow in one area of life or another. We are encouraged as Christians to grow. This is a very much emphasised issue in the bible. We humans do not like stagnancy or retrogression, we want to continue experiencing
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Anyone who has come into a relationship with God through confession and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour steps into a relationship of privilege. It is a relationship that is endearing and one with great benefits for now and even
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